Apr 03, 2012

Spring Term Has Started

By Laura T'13

In the spring term, us first years get a crack at two elective courses.  This is exciting, considering so far, we’ve just had core courses.  Two of our four regular courses are core, two are elective, and there is an extra major project, the First Year Project (FYP).  The two elective courses I chose were Managerial Accounting and Managing the Marketing Chain.  Both courses came highly recommended by the professors and the Career Development Office as solid courses with great professors.  So far, they haven’t been wrong.  I must admit, accounting would not have been my first choice.  I definitely struggled with accounting in the fall, but challenging myself is not a bad thing.  And, I’ve got plenty of support from classmates also in the class, so it hasn’t been too bad so far.
The FYP is also pretty exciting.  Consulting like projects are sourced from companies all around the world and we first years pick which project sounds most interesting to form groups of 5.  This is a major focus of this term, as the projects are meaty and difficult.  Mine is working with the local hospital to develop an entirely new department, a weight loss center.  There are two existing academic weight loss centers in the U.S., and DHMC (the hospital here) wants to create a massive one.  They have enlisted me and four of my classmates to lead the charge.  This is a ton of responsibility and work, but also really exciting to have a chance to do this.  I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me this term, but I’m excited to attack it.