

Quick Facts
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Dr. Vijay Govindarajan
Coxe Distinguished Professor
Tuck School of Business
100 Tuck Hall
Dartmouth College
Hanover NH 03755
Tel: 603-289-0007
Fax: 603-646-1308
Email: vg@dartmouth.edu


Tel: 603-289-0007

VG personally handles all inquiries. The best way to reach him is his email address. Only as a backup, use VG’s cell phone: 603-289-0007.


Read on to learn more about these themes and how VG presents them at Industry Association Meetings, Major Conferences, CEO forums, and Top Management Retreats.

  1. Three-Box Solution »
    This presentation focuses on the importance of all the three boxes (Boxes 1, 2 & 3), learn not to get stuck in the past (Box 2), and build the future day by day (Box 3).
  2. Innovation Execution »
    This presentation focuses on executing Box 3 breakthrough innovation strategies.
  3. Reverse Innovation »
    Historically, multinationals innovated in a rich country and sold those products in a poor country. Reserve Innovation is doing exactly the opposite. It is about innovating in a poor country and selling those products in a rich country. Reverse Innovation is a Box 3 strategy.
  4. Delivering World-class Healthcare, Affordably »
    Several Indian hospital exemplars deliver high quality healthcare at ultra low cost, a Box 3 strategy. This presentation will focus on how these hospitals do it and the implications for the US healthcare system.