Sep 10, 2014

Beyond Hanover: Tuck Love in the Pacific Northwest

I take my job as QLC (Quality of Life chair, a real position on the student board), very seriously.  On campus and off, I am always looking for ways to bring Tuckies together in meaningful and fun ways.  Also, going three months without seeing my favorite people in the world (Tuckies!) made me sink into depression.  Hence, the impetus for planning a little “Tuck Pacific Northwest Trek” that occurred in late August.  I also wanted to show off what I consider God’s country (true confession – it was also a secret marketing campaign to try to get more Tuckies to move to Seattle after graduation … hopefully it works!).  Here are some of the highlights from the weekend, as evidenced through some amateur iPhone photography:

Friday tour of downtown, including Pike Place Market and the Space Needel (Michael Needel so perfectly posing with the “other” Needle). 

Friday afternoon Flywheel class (fun fact – I teach Flywheel spin classes so anyone who comes to visit me is pretty much required to ride with me):

Friday night BBQ overlooking downtown Seattle:

(Not pictured:  nine Tuckies sleeping over at my parents’ house – pillow forts aren’t just for kids!)

Saturday ferry and boating adventure in the San Juan Islands (an oasis of natural beauty about two hours northwest of Seattle, only accessible by ferry or seaplane) to a hidden Oyster farm, where we ate crab and oysters in the most “farm-to-table” way possible:

Saying goodnight to the islands, the view from our cabins on the beach:

Sunday morning selfie:

Believe it or not, this picture was not even posed – Tuckies, life-long learners:

The trip ended with a Sunday night salmon feast at my parents’ house in Seattle.  It was great fun to be able to introduce my Tuck family to my real family!