Should Everyone Be Allowed to Invest in Private Tech Companies?
The SEC Chairman recently announced a policy initiative to enable the ordinary investors to invest in private companies. Currently, only wealthy accredited investors are allowed to invest in private companies. His stated goal is enabling small investors to get access to alternative high-quality investments, such as in private tech companies like Uber and AirBnB. But in our view this policy, even if...
Posted by: Vijay Govindarajan - 10/16/2018 at 08:45 am
How One Nonprofit Is Expanding Health Care for the Uninsured
America spends $3.3 trillion on health care, or more than $10,000 per person, which is twice as much as any other industrialized country. Yet nearly 30 million Americans, or 10% of the population, are uninsured. If the Affordable Care Act unravels in the near term, the number of insured could creep back up to 50 million, the level in 2009. These numbers exclude the millions more who are underinsured —...
Posted by: Vijay Govindarajan - 10/11/2018 at 07:55 am