Dec 11, 2015

A Day in the Life of a First Year: Wendy Wong

By Wendy Wong T'17

Wendy is a T’17 originally from the Boston area. She attended Boston University, where she studied finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating, Wendy worked in the retail sector, where she specialized in business strategy. Most recently, she worked for a retailer based in Florida before deciding to forgo 75-degree winters for Hanover winters. 

7:30 a.m. Alarm goes off. Wake up and get ready for the day.
8:20 a.m.  Leave my Whittemore dorm room and head downstairs to Joe’s to grab a large cup of coffee before class. Living in the dorms is a very nice perk since I can head out the door three minutes before class and still be on time.
8:30 a.m.  First class of the day, which is Decision Science. It’s a class all about spreadsheet modeling, which is extremely useful. I did a lot of work in Excel for my previous job, but there have been numerous things that I have learned in DecSci that would have come in handy in my previous job.
10:00 a.m. I have a 20 minute break in between my classes, so I head to Joe’s for some more coffee. (I may or may not have a coffee addiction….)
10:20 a.m. Second class of the day: Capital Markets. Today we discussed methods for firm valuation.  We reviewed methods such as discounted cash flow, multiples, and the dividend discount model.
12:00 p.m. Done with classes for the day! I use this time to grab lunch, respond to emails, and unwind a little since I know the rest of my day will be incredibly packed.
1:30 p.m. Meet with my study group. My study group consists of 5 other Tuckies, who I see more than anyone else at Tuck. We go into the meeting knowing that today is going to be a long day for us. We have a group assignment due tomorrow for our Decision Science class and we are just starting it today. Each study group has set their norms and one of my group’s norms is to avoid meeting on weekends, so occasionally we end up having a marathon group session like today.
5:00 p.m. Attend the Brazil GIX info session. GIX stands for Global Insight Expeditions, which are faculty led-courses that take place outside the U.S. Tuck is offering 8 GIX courses this spring to locations like Brazil, the Netherlands, South Africa, India, Vietnam, China, Cuba, and Turkey and Israel. I definitely plan on taking advantage of these international opportunities, so I’m attending these info sessions to learn more about what each GIX entails.
6:00 p.m. Return to study group meeting.
6:30 p.m. Thirty unproductive minutes later, my study group and I realize that our focus is waning due to extreme hunger. As a team, we know our limits from our time together in Fall A, so we all agree to break for dinner and re-energize. We head over to the Byrne dining hall to grab dinner and we see a bunch of other first years working in the dining hall on the same assignment that’s due tomorrow.
7:15 p.m. Resume work on our Decision Science deliverable.
9:00 p.m. Assignment successful completed! (hopefully!). My study group calls it a night. Today’s study group meeting was really long due to us not starting our deliverable until the night before. Normally, my study group and I only meet for 2 hours per day. After the meeting ends, I head back to my room in Whittemore.
9:15 p.m. Chat on the phone with my family and fiancé. Given how busy business school is, I do set reminders on my calendar twice a week to call home.
10:00 p.m. Time to prepare and do some homework for my other courses.
11:45 p.m. Write this blog post about a day in the life of a Tuckie.
12:30 a.m. Time to call it a night! Goodnight!