May 24, 2016

Recent grad? 5 Ways to Prep for Your MBA

Dear Recent Graduate,

First and foremost, congratulations! Inevitably, you’re doing your fair share of (well deserved) celebrating, maybe some reflection or reminiscing, and hopefully taking some time to think about your future.

While “I need a job!” might be the only thing occupying your mind right now, it’s a great time to start thinking about whether graduate school could be the right move down the road. Unlike some other graduate opportunities, many MBA programs prefer—if not require—full-time work experience before matriculating.

With that in mind, here is our graduation gift to you, a recent grad considering the eventual pursuit of an MBA:

5 Ways to Prep for Your MBA

  1. Most business schools look for a diverse student body with a wide range of industry and functional experience.
    • Consider different positions and do what you're passionate about.
    • Look for opportunities for progression, and chances to manage people, budgets, and projects.
  2. Get involved in activities and with organizations that you're passionate about outside of work as well.
    • Commit to a few things, rather than several that are short lived. Choose something with longevity, that you would be involved in over time.
  3. Look for global experiences to differentiate yourself within the applicant pool.
    • Take advantage of work abroad or travel opportunities, or pick up a language. Show you’re culturally savvy.
  4. Prepare for (and take) the GMAT or GRE before things get really busy: the application process is time intensive.
    • Start studying now, scores are valid for 5 years.
    • Get a baseline score, then decide whether you want to take it again. Schools post their average GMAT scores (and usually an 80% range) online, so you can benchmark yourself against the programs you’re targeting.
    • If you’re focusing on the GMAT, has a ton of prep tools. The site is hosted by GMAC, the test's administrators. Similar tools are available for the GRE on the ETS website
  5. Start to research schools early. 

By thinking about these things now, you're putting yourself in an excellent position to stand out within an impressive applicant pool.

You’re destined for great things, and we hope you’ll consider using an MBA program to help get you there. Good luck—we hope to hear from you in the future!

All the best,

Tuck Admissions