Nov 05, 2012

WIB Conference Was A Success!

By Laura T'13

This past weekend was the Women In Business Conference.  The WIB conference was amazing!  The theme this year was “Be Your Own Champion”.  We had wonderful alumnae keynote speakers, Helen Kurtz (T’97) Director of Marketing Excellence at General Mills and Jennifer Uhrig (T’87) Senior Equity Advisor at Fidelity, small group dinners, workshops like "How to Brag" and a public speaking workshop.  To end the conference off right, we had an all-female comedy troop improv show.  The whole weekend was incredible and ran smoothly. 
The conference was organized by three amazing student chairs.  They’ve been working hard on organization since March.  So much work went into this, from the three co-chairs, managers of each event, logistic masters, all the housing and small group dinner hosts, and even from bartending volunteers.  The whole school pitched in to make this a great weekend.  Each session and step was organized and managed by students, from the lunches to the free time activities.  The conference was filled with prospective women, current students (both men and women) and alumni.  I’m so proud to be involved in the process and the WIB club.  Keep an eye out for next year's WIB conference.  I highly recommend you try to go!