
Jul 22, 2019

The Quantum State of Stock Market Returns

Highlights research by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French exploring the impact active management has on mutual fund returns.

Jul 19, 2019

The Food Truck Industry Is Growing in VT and NH and Shows No Signs of Slowing...

Quotes John O’Brien T’20, CEO of The Box—a food truck run by Tuck students—in an article about the increasing popularity of food trucks in Vermont and New Hampshire.

Jul 18, 2019

Lots of Investors Bet on ‘Factors’, Such as Size, Value, and Momentum

Mentions research by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French that established the pair’s three-factor model used for describing stock returns, and led to the rise of factor investing.

Jul 17, 2019

The Problem with France’s Plan to Tax Digital Companies

Vijay Govindarajan examines France’s approved tax of large digital companies.

Jul 16, 2019

MBA Admissions Brief: Dartmouth Tuck

An interview with Luke Anthony Peña about the Tuck application process, how Tuck is innovating business education, and what’s to come for the school.

Jul 16, 2019

What Makes You Work Harder? Strap on a Sensor and Find Out.

A feature about new research from Pino Audia exploring how technology can be used to assess employee performance.

Jul 15, 2019

This Is Where the Manufacturing Jobs Really Went

Features research by Teresa Fort, and coauthors Peter Schott and Justin Pierce, exploring the decline of U.S. manufacturing employment through the use of microdata.

Jul 15, 2019

Beware Those Employee Engagement Surveys—They Can Distract You from Your Career

Highlights management research by Sydney Finkelstein which finds that the best managers are often those who take a personal interest in an employee’s present and future career goals.

Jul 14, 2019

The Agony of Hope Postponed, by a Value Investor

Highlights data compiled by Kenneth French that shows value stocks have lagged behind on average 5 percentage points a year behind growth stocks since June 2007.

Jul 11, 2019

NBA Hires Silicon Valley Veteran Kate Jhaveri as Marketing Chief

Highlights Kate Jhaveri T’03, who has been named the chief marketing officer for the National Basketball Association.

Jul 11, 2019

a2’s Plan to Buck the China Slowdown and Crackdown

A feature story about Jayne Hrdlicka T’88, CEO of a2 Milk Company, and how she and her team are eyeing new products and new markets as China threatens to disrupt the growth of imported infant formula.

Jul 10, 2019

Baystate Business: Worker Issues, the MBTA

“The people who perform better than their colleagues tend to have better control of their daily routines,” says Pino Audia in regard his new research exploring the use of technology to assess employee performance.

Jul 10, 2019

A Brief Exercise to Spur Innovation on Your Team

Sydney Finkelstein offers an exercise businesses can employ to promote innovation.

Jul 10, 2019

Home Energy Reports: Still the ‘Biggest, Baddest Way’ to Drive Customer Behavior

Highlights research by Praveen Kopalle which found that the most effective way to get consumers to reduce their electricity consumption during peak power periods is to alert them of the potential cost.

Jul 08, 2019

What If Your Boss Knew How Much You Slept Last Night?

A feature story about new research from Pino Audia exploring the use of technology to assess employee performance.

Jul 08, 2019

How Advisors Can Differentiate Themselves among ETF Investors

Highlights data compiled by Kenneth French that showed the top 20 percent of stocks by profitability outperformed the bottom 20 percent by 385 basis points a year.

Jul 04, 2019

When It Comes to Overseas Sales, Whiskey Distillers Face a Tough Time

Features Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in a piece about how ongoing trade tension and tariffs have negatively impacted whiskey distillers in the United States.

Jul 04, 2019

Amid Long Economic Expansion, Why so Many Americans Are Still Struggling

Features Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in a piece about how many American workers are not feeling the benefits of a strong national economy.

Jul 03, 2019

Roger McNamee: Tesla’s ‘Fantastic’ Delivery Numbers Buy Time but They’re Not a Long-Term Fix

“This quarter doesn’t solve anything, but it’s way better than what people were expecting,” Roger McNamee T’82 says of Tesla’s recent, better-than-expected delivery numbers.

Jun 30, 2019

Business Program Unites Olympians, Veterans in Classroom

A feature interview with Margaux Lohry about Tuck's Next Step: Transition to Business program for military veterans and elite athletes.

Jun 29, 2019

How Product Development and Innovation Influence the Market Value of a Business

Highlights insights regarding creativity and innovation by Vijay Govindarajan in an article about how developing new products can impact a business.

Jun 28, 2019

Wearable Technology Started by Tracking Steps. Soon, It May Allow Your Boss to Track Your Performanc

A feature story about a new mobile-sensing system Pino Audio helped developed to assess employee performance.

Jun 28, 2019

Jay Carney Is a Top Advisor to Jeff Bezos and Architect of Amazon’s HQ2

Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Jay Carney, press secretary under President Obama and Amazon’s public policy and communications chief.

Jun 27, 2019

An E-Ferry for a Morning Commute? Of Course It’s in San Francisco

A feature story about the efforts of SW/TCH Maritime, Clean Marine Energy, and CEO Pace Ralli T'09 to create a zero-emissions ferry to be used in the San Francisco Bay.

Jun 27, 2019

What Are the Best Places to Be in the Equity Markets?

Highlights data compiled by Kenneth French and research by French and Eugene Fama that established the five-factor model used to describe stock returns.

Jun 26, 2019

Something Borrowed, Something Green

Quotes Juliet Horton T’14, founder of Everly—a digital solution to wedding planning—in an article about the rise of eco-conscious weddings.

Jun 26, 2019

Why Isn’t CAPM Being Retired?

Highlights research by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French that established the three-factor model used to describe stock returns, leading to the introduction of factor investing.

Jun 26, 2019

By Rerouting Goods, Companies Can Avoid Tariffs

Quotes Emily Blanchard in a piece about companies rerouting goods to avoid costly tariffs.

Jun 20, 2019

U.S. Firms Will Be the Losers Due to Policy, Says Nasscom

Quotes Vijay Govindarajan in an article about how the United States’ immigration policies could impact Indian IT companies.

Jun 19, 2019

Lydia Kuo of Nicorette & Nicoderm

Lydia Kuo T'10 discusses her career and offers advice in a feature interview.

Jun 17, 2019

Dartmouth Reappoints Dean Slaughter for Another Term

A feature story about Dean Matthew J. Slaughter's reappointment as Dean of the Tuck School.

Jun 13, 2019

Trump Turns Trade Talks into Spectator Sport

Quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in an article about the political ramifications of the Trump administration’s public approach to trade negotiations.

Jun 13, 2019

Productivity Is the Basis for Faster Growth

Dean Matthew J. Slaughter discusses how Tuck differentiates itself in the MBA landscape, challenges facing the global economy, and more in a wide-ranging interview.

Jun 12, 2019

How China Deals with Economic Shocks

Highlights research by Davin Chor exploring how economic shocks influence political outcomes in authoritarian regimes.

Jun 12, 2019

Was Jack Welch Really That Good?

Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about former General Electric CEO Jack Welch.

Jun 11, 2019

Jabil’s Manufacturing Leap

Richard D'Aveni writes how Jabil is combining supply chain expertise with 3-D printers to point the way to the digital future.