
Feb 05, 2013

Tuck Welcomes Local Engineer as Entrepreneur-in-Residence

Stuart Pompian, a venture capitalist and co-founder of Dartware, LLC, spoke to students about his long career in turnarounds and technology.

Jan 21, 2013

International Forum Highlights Dearth of Women on Corporate Boards

Their relative absence and ways to remedy the situation was among the issues explored at the Council on Business and Society’s inaugural forum in Paris.

Jan 21, 2013

Inaugural Master of Health Care Delivery Science Class Celebrated at Special Investiture Ceremony

The MHCDS class of 2013 leaves a legacy of innovation and commitment in healthcare.

Jan 18, 2013

A Giant Passes

James Brian Quinn, William and Josephine Buchanan Professor of Management, Emeritus.

Jan 15, 2013

At Abu Dhabi’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, Investing for the Long, Long Term

One change in moving from Wall Street to a sovereign wealth fund is the time horizon.

Jan 11, 2013

Innovating for India

A unique executive education program shows the power of the consortium model to foster innovation in India and beyond.

Jan 10, 2013

Anglo American CEO Highlights Risk Management in Tuck Talk

In 2007, Anglo American PLC’s new chief executive officer Cynthia Carroll had just finished touring the mining company’s massive platinum operation in Rustenberg, South Africa, when one of her managers tapped her on the shoulder.

Dec 21, 2012

Fiscal Cliff Will Bring Taxing Situation

With the White House and Congress struggling to reach a deal to avoid the automatic tax hikes and spending cuts due to take effect in 2013, Tuck Professor of Accounting Richard Sansing looks at how going over the fiscal cliff would affect what you’ll pay the Internal Revenue Service next year.

Dec 20, 2012

Tax Policy and the “Fiscal Cliff”

Tuck faculty weigh-in on the fiscal cliff tax debate and the federal deficit.

Dec 18, 2012

Tuck and Dartmouth Team Up to Teach Christmas Spirit

Carey Albertine T’05 and Rebecca Munsterer MALS ’05 collaborate on a young adult book for the holidays.

Dec 13, 2012

Bringing Macs Back to the U.S.

Building Mac computers in the U.S. makes sense, says operations professor Brian Tomlin, but it’s not evidence of a larger shift to domestic manufacturing.

Dec 07, 2012

Project Coffee Adds Perk to Stell Hall

New student-run venture brings high-end coffee to Tuck.

Dec 05, 2012

Fakery of the Crowds

Yaniv Dover shows which online hotel reviews are more likely to be fake, and why.

Dec 05, 2012

Nearly All Manufacturers Export Products They Don’t Make

Andrew Bernard’s discovery could change the way we think about global trade.

Dec 05, 2012

Truth in Barcodes

Kusum Ailawadi and colleagues use household food purchasing data to study the diabetes epidemic.

Dec 05, 2012

In with the New?

Ron Adner offers a new framework for understanding why some technologies are instant winners and others flop.

Nov 29, 2012

Operations’ Intricate Science

Tuck faculty weigh in on the vulnerabilities in the global supply chain.

Nov 28, 2012

Tuck Entrepreneurs Make Their Pitch

From social gaming to mobile feedback, MBA students showcase startups.