Abby Rohman T'23

“I am a more present and connected version of myself because of my experience at Tuck.”

Read My Story

I knew that I loved the health-care industry but hadn’t found the right role yet. While exploring roles after consulting, I saw that most people in my dream jobs had MBAs. I recognized that the investment in myself as well as the opportunities available in business school would help me accelerate my career trajectory. 

Tuck’s location makes it distinct from all other schools that I explored. My classmates have all opted into this experience; students and partners have consciously made the decision to move to a rural area and be active participants in the Tuck community. People take the commitment to the community seriously. I’m always amazed by the creativity, support, and enthusiasm of my classmates, the Tuck partners, professors, and staff. Additionally, I love the outdoor opportunities available in the Upper Valley! 

The class Communicating with Presence was a life-changing experience for me. It’s a small class that is taught by a theater professor. Every week, we would practice 45 minutes of acting warmups. These exercises reinforced the importance of interpersonal connection and of presence within the body. We practiced communicating a variety of stories—made-up fairytales, our life stories, and a classmate’s life story. This course changed my relationship with my voice and gave me confidence in my ability to communicate effectively. Most importantly, practicing being present has drastically improved my stress levels. 

Students allow themselves to be vulnerable at Tuck, starting from Tuck Launch, our orientation program. During Tuck Launch we’re partnered with a classmate to share our “River of Life.” In this multi-part exercise, we share our story with one classmate and craft a personal mission statement. I believe that by starting with vulnerability from day one, we have created a trusting, supportive environment. Classmates throw themselves into new activities or academic challenges with the knowledge that it’s healthy to feel challenged and it’s safe to fail intelligently. 

Tuck’s remote location encourages connections across classes, faculty, and staff. An example is Professor Leslie Robinson’s Tuck Community Rides. Road bikers of all stripes meet up for 15- to 25-mile rides around the Upper Valley. Every week brings new participants: students, staff, professors, alumni, partners, etc. Professor Robinson is passionate about engaging her students outside of the classroom setting and encouraging us to explore the Upper Valley. On these rides I’ve met students in other class years, received career advice from alumni, and have occasionally discussed accounting concepts with Professor Robinson! 

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