“Whatever career or industry you are interested in pursuing, there are successful alumni who are excited to advise and assist you.”
I firmly believe people don’t end up at Tuck by mistake or happenstance. People very intentionally choose to be here, and that creates an amazing energy and sense of community. I attended Tuck’s Business Bridge Program for undergraduates in 2009, my sister was a T’13, and Tuck was the only business school I applied to. For me, it was Tuck or bust.
Tuck helped me develop a broader and more sophisticated perspective on business. I have learned how to analyze issues, identify opportunities, and learn from outside experiences. Tuck has positioned me to take on unfamiliar challenges with confidence.
I worked in direct-to-consumer (DTC) consulting, then was fortuitously hired away by New Balance to help start their DTC Strategy group, and am now returning to New Balance to continue to build out and develop that part of the business with an awesome team and mentor. I believe the more focus you can have before entering business school, the more you can get out of it. That said, several key Tuck alumni have helped me think about career trajectory and development in valuable ways. Whatever career or industry you are interested in pursuing, there are successful alumni who are excited to advise and assist you.
Our small size and close community mean we get to know each other much better in the two short years we are together than people do in other environments. When the people and the network are such important aspects of business school, the condensed Tuck experience really carries immeasurable value. Simply put, two years here count for more than they would anywhere else.
Tuck Business Bridge Program, 2009
Bowdoin College, BA, 2010
New Balance, direct-to-consumer strategy pre-MBA intern, 2013; Deloitte Consulting LLP, consultant, 2010-13; Bill Burke (author), research assistant
Leadership in the Global Economy; Managerial Accounting; Retail Pricing Strategy and Tactics; Business and Society
Tripod Hockey; Amos Trout Fly Fishing Club; Center for Digital Strategies fellow
First-Year Project for Harry’s in New York City helping to develop an offline-physical retail customer engagement strategy
OnSite Global Consulting in Switzerland, working with a multi-billion-dollar industrial company on their digital strategy for field technicians; Global Insight Expedition to Israel focused on technology and innovation
New Balance Europe/EMEA direct-to-consumer strategy. Led expansion of e-commerce to mainland Europe. Internship included business trips to Milan, Brussels, Barcelona, and London, as well as attending Wimbledon.
Conversations with associate dean Matt Slaughter about blending career interests in the private sector with public-policy involvement
New Balance, Boston, Mass., Consumer Experience/Digital Strategy
Tuck allowed me to pair pre-existing industry knowledge with newly developed analytical skills, and gave me a broader perspective on how to view opportunity and challenge in business. All this while making truly amazing, lifelong friends.